The overall objective of this project is to improve the European measurement and research capability and establish a basis for future cooperation. This will enable European NMIs to build research capacity needed for challenging future joint projects, improve their calibration and measurement capabilities (CMCs) and reduce the increasing technological gap between NMIs. The specific scientific and technical objectives are to:
1. Improve S-parameter measurements with lower uncertainty and to develop/enhance impedance and S-parameters traceability. The primary traceability and uncertainty budget will be established trough calculable calibration standards with use of specialised software tools (WP1 S-parameter traceability).
2. Improve RF power measurement for low and high power measurements. In particular, high power devices will be characterized under the high power conditions and the results will be compared with the low power characterization. Also the higher harmonic effects will be analyzed and tested. The NMIs that do not have the ability to measure and determine output reflection coefficients of signal generators will gain this ability via knowledge transfer (WP2 RF power traceability).
3. Investigate currently advancing calibration and testing procedures for EMC with use of RF&MW metrology. EMC test/calibration methods will be improved by using advanced RF&MW metrology methods and VNAs, including pulsed measurements, emission and immunity tests, verification methods for EMC tests and calibration of loop antennas. An active link will be established between European EMC and RF&MW experts (WP3 Improved calibration and testing procedures for EMC using RF&MW metrology).
4. Develop an individual strategy for each participant for the long-term operation of capacity developed, including regulatory support, research collaborations, quality schemes and accreditation (WP4 Creating impact).
5. Identify key industrial and scientific needs for stakeholders in RF&MW metrology. At the beginning of this project a survey on stakeholders’ needs will be conducted for these purposes. The results of this survey will be instrumental to maximise the impact of this project within the European community of national metrology institutes and industrial end-users with knowledge transfer, training and dissemination. For this purpose, meetings, trainings with hand-on sessions, technical papers and guides will be prepared (WP4 Creating impact).